So just thinking back at all that has happened in the time that I have posted nothing at this sight, I really don't even know where to start. It was a great spring in 2010. The wildflowers were abundant which made me very very happy. It probably had to do with the fact that we had lots of rain over that winter, if you want to call what we have here in South Texas, winter. Actually we did have temps in the teens.Unfortunately the 2011 wildflower showing did not live up to my hopes but I do have some pictures from 2010. Lets see if i remember how to do this.

Blue Bonnett - Lupinus Subcarnosis

Indian Paintbrush


Primrose (Buttercup)


Dew Berry

False Garlic
I have tons more pictures of wild flowers and now that I have re-educated myself on how to post them they will be up soon.